I had planned a week on the Appalachian Trail. I was only a few days from departing when I got the message from my friend Bobbie in Colorado that her husband Harry had passed away after a long fight with brain cancer. His memorial service would be that weekend. It didn't take me long to change my plans and turn my car from East to West. I would head to Colorado for the service and then spend the rest of the week hiking in the mountains. It was still early spring so that really limited the choices of trails. Much of the high country was still covered with a good snow pack, and I didn't want to worry about snow shoes. So I decided to revisit one of my first back packing destinations in Colorado, the Lost Creek Wilderness. I planned a 54.5 mile loop connecting the Colorado Trail, Rolling Creek Trail, and the Wigwam Trail. It was cross a few high passes but nothing more than 12,000 feet. I wasn't sure how much snow I would encounter, or how I would fare in the higher altitudes, so I packed for five days. It only took me three.
Starting weight 29.53
Hiked 16.5 on day 1
Lost trail near bison peak
Took some work to find it
Nice camp site by stream
Forgot slap straps
Got wet feet in snow
In bed at 8:45
Day two 21 miles
Epic. Made good time down Colorado trail. Rolling creek trail was beautiful at the start and then snow covered and impossible higher up. Lost the trail several times. Wet feet post holing.
Eventually got down to wigwam trail and then goose creek. Nice camp by stream. Good fire.
8 miles on Colorado trail
3 miles from wigwam trail to McCourdy park trail
Twin eagle to Hankins pass 2 mi
Hankins pass to lake park 2 mi.
Day 3. 17 miles rain hail thunder on Hankins pass
Final weight 19 lbs