We were up early for our final day. It was the last breakfast, pack up and break camp. By the time our packs were loaded the porters had arrived to take the dining tent, kitchen, and group gear down.
We were only 20 minutes into our hike when the porters passed us quickly on their way down. As we hiked down the steep terrain it seemed impossible that we had hiked up it only days before.
I enjoyed the last glimpses of Ranrapalca which had dominated the view from our campsite and kept us entertained and in awe with its frequent avalanches of snow and ice from the massive cornice near the summit ridge.
We made our way slowly down the ice and snow covered trail. Stopping at times to pass our packs down steep rocky slabs before we down climbed them.
Before we reached the end of the trail the porters were on there way back up to meet us and help out if needed. But most of us elected to finish with our packs on our backs.
We reached the road and the waiting truck, loaded our packs, the porters, and ourselves into the back for the bumpy 2 hour ride back to Huaraz. We headed into town and went straight to the Sky-line basecamp to unload. For Jamey and Jamey it was and immediate repack as they would be heading to Chopicalquithe same day. We said our goodbyes to them and the guides and wished them luck. The rest of us loaded up on cabs for a ride back to Olaza's, much needed showers, and a reunion with Matthew. We found him happily ensconced at Olaza's and he let us know that our smell was quite repugnant! But after a little clean up and some rest, we were off for shopping and a celebratory dinner at Trivio's. A great end to a long trip, and now only 24 hours of travel separates us from home.
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